Mango - QHSE Compliance Software

Human Resources Software Made Simple

Making it quicker and easier to record training, competences and employee data using Mango's QHSE Compliance software.
Reclaim your precious time
Mango QHSE on Multiple Devices

Saving Time on Human Resources Management

Here are just a few examples of how Mango makes your human resources process easier to use, saving you time and frustration.
Manage Employee
Manage Employee
Ensure that all the required training for new employees is completed by linking the required skills to the employee position. The Skills reporting option will let you monitor the gaps.
By linking e-Learning to the skills you have defined in your HR System, your online training becomes immediately available to anyone you allocate that skill to. Once your team member takes the e-Assessment their results are immediately notified with the assessor to allow them to make the final decision on the achieved skill levels.
Remote Inductions
Remote Inductions
Use the Assessments module to manage remote inductions for employees.
Business Management
Business Management
Ensure everyone involved in the organisation's management system all have the required understanding of the rules, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines through training records and reporting systems.
PPE Management
PPE Management

Manage all of your teams PPE in one place. Automatically alert everyone that needs to know when PPE is due for replacement or review. Easily report on who has what PPE and when it has been updated.

Responsible Person
Responsible Person
The HR Module allows you to ensure that every department, every site is staffed with team members that are qualified, certified and medically fit for the work they do in line with national and international requirements.
Create unlimited Skills Matrices
Create unlimited Skills Matrices
With the dedicated Skills Report writer create any skill matix you need e.g. department, business, positions, critical skills or recurring skills.
Quality Compliance
Quality Compliance
Define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work relating to and affecting quality.
Training Automation
Training Automation
Mango ensures that skills such as first aid are automatically assigned to team members based on their  job position as defined by your custom system configuration. Any skills that need to be renewed can be set up with an automatic reminder to the both the team member and administrator to ensure they are never overlooked.
Health & Employee Monitoring
Health & Employee Monitoring

Easily manage all your teams Health Monitoring or performance monitoring requirements in one place, along with the evidence. Never miss another monitoring requirement with automatic reminders from Mango to everyone when the next phase of monitoring is required.

Say goodbye spreadsheets!

Do more in less time with Human Resources

Say good bye to all the spreadhseets and seperate systems. With Mango's Human Reources module you can do a whole lot more than just keep a record of employees and thier training.
Keep one single centralised database of all personnel information.
Identify the gaps within your employee skills allowing you to take action to reduce the gaps.
Link skills to positions and then link those positions to the employee meaning the required skills for any job are automatically allocated to the employee
Upload skills and training to multiple employees at the same time.
Carry out cloud based Inductions before the person sets foot on the site.
Easily Manage reporting of sensative events such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination within the workplace.
Manage PPE for all employees with alerts when it becoems due for review or replacement.
Maintain your training and competency records in one place.
Easily produce training review reports.
Create Skill Set reports and Skill Matrices quickly that are always up to date system.
Automatically get notified when training or skills are due for renewal or review.
Automatically record acknowledgements of new documents or files released within the organisation to the employee's training file.
Run your own e-learning system linking directly to employee records.
Manage your health monitoring requirements with automatic alerts when it is due and historical records for completed monitoring.

Training Records on the Free Mobile App

Every one of your employees gets full access to our fully integrated mobile app meaning you can provide access to training records where ever they happen.
Employee Skills

Employee Skills

Be able to show an employee's full skills records to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. The mango app holds all the employee skill records plus the details behind those skills to be able to demonstrate competence on the job.
Employee Training

Employee Training

Show all of an employee's ad hoc training records such as tool box talks, in house training, on site training, webinars, conferences, self directly learning at any point you need to with the full details available in the app.
Works on Android & IOS

Easily Meet all your ISO Standards requirements

Use the Human Resource module in mango to help you meet the following ISO Management System and compliance system requirements.
ISO 9001
Clauses 5.3, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4
ISO 45001
Clauses 5.3, 5.4, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
ISO 13485
Clauses 4.1, 4.2, 5.5, 6.4, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6
ISO 22001
Clause 6.2
ISO 14001
Clauses 5.3, 7.2 and 7.3
AS 9100
Clauses 5.3, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4
ISO 27001
Clauses 5.3, 5.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and A7
ISM Code
Section 3-6

See Mango In Action

With the Mango Human Resources module creating an Human Resources System that people will actively use, supports your ISO Management System  and contributes to the business is easier than you think.
Reclaim your precious time

What People Are Saying About Mango

Don't just take our word about how great Mango is, here is the feedback from some of our users.
If you want to check out more independent feedback on how great Mango is head to to hear what others think or you can check out a range of case studies here direct from the end users.

See Mango In Action

Make a booking now to see how simple it is to integrate your systems, reduce paperwork, save time and be compliant.
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