Organisations struggle a bit in understanding what the context of the organisation is and why it matters. Think about it like this, how can you build a system to manage your organisational health and safety systems if you don't understand what the various pieces of the puzzle are? The aim of the context of the organisation which is clause 4 within ...
When we first started helping organisations implement ISO45001:2018 for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems we quickly realised that organisations were struggling to understand exactly what this standard was about. They were all focused on the day-to-day health & safety processes, accident/incident reporting, risk or in some cas...
Here in sunny New Zealand, we are known for lots of things, beautiful landscapes, friendly people, the lord of the ring movies and of course the innovative spirit, that kiwi Number 8 wire approach, she'll be right. That innovative Number 8 wire approach I guess comes about because NZ is just so far away from most things, as a Scot, I also wonder ho...
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