ISO9001 and the control of externally provided processes, products & services
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 takes a fairly decent step forward in how it handles or rather requires you to handle your Supplier Management within your Quality Management System. It used to be that you just needed a list of your suppliers and to be honest not too much else, it's changed a bit from that. Clause 8.4 is all about the new requirements on organisations...

  6223 Hits
ISO9001 and Design and Development Outputs and Changes
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 clause 8.3.5 Design and Development Outputs can sometimes cause confusion on it's purpose. It is not about the actual product that is being designed but about the outcome of the design process, a design drawing or CAD model for example. Requirements of the Design & Development Output Clause   The aim of this section is to ensu...

  3494 Hits
ISO9001 and Control of Design & Developments Process
ISO 9001 Quality Management

Think about clause 8.3.4 Design and Development Controls within ISO9001:2015 as the Check section of the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) loop. In earlier clauses of section 8.3 – (Design & Development of Products & Services) the organisation was required to carry out some detailed design & development planning and to look at the assorted input...

  6153 Hits
ISO9001 and Design & Development Inputs
ISO 9001 Quality Management

In this second part of the discussion about ISO9001:2015 Section 8.3 we are going to look at section 8.3.3 of ISO9001:2015 which is all about the Design & Development Inputs to your product or service. The aim of this clause is simple, lets make sure you have considered everything you need to when designing your product or service  8.3.3 D...

  5543 Hits
ISO9001 and The Design & Development Clauses – Part 1
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 Clause 8.3 is all about how your organisation carries out it's design and development of products and services. Now obviously if you do not actually carry out any design or development work then this section is not applicable to you and you are allowed to exclude it from your ISO9001:2015 system, however your request for exclusion will...

  5369 Hits
ISO9001 & Processes, Procedures & Work Instructions
ISO 9001 Quality Management

One of the questions I get asked a lot about ISO9001:2015 is what they heck is the difference between a Process, a procedure and Work Instructions (sometimes also called Standard Operating Procedures). It's surprising how much gnashing of teeth, squabbling among teams and dents in office walls this issue causes, so here is you nice and simple break...

  21635 Hits
ISO9001 and The Requirements for Products and Services
ISO 9001 Quality Management

How often have you got into the manufacture or design of a product and realise that you really don't either understand exactly what you should be making or that you are not capable of making it? ISO9001:2015 clause 8.2 Requirements for Products and Services is really aimed at avoiding this situation from happening. It's important then, that you do ...

  5672 Hits
ISO9001 and the Operational, Planning & Control Requirements
ISO 9001 Quality Management

If you think about the first 7 clauses of the ISO9001:2015 as building the framework of your Quality Management System then section 8 - Operation is very much about putting some substance on that framework. Section 8.1 - Operational Planning and Control, that we will discuss here, gives the requirements for the organsiation to put into place the&nb...

  6651 Hits
ISO9001 and the Documented Information Requirements
ISO 9001 Quality Management

Clause 7.5 - Documented Information is a new section within the ISO9001:2015 standard, this section highlights what is required when creating and controlling documentation that is required to support your Quality Management System and the requirements have obviously changed since technology has moved on significantly since the last iterat...

  5012 Hits
ISO9001 Awareness & Communication Requirements
ISO 9001 Quality Management

Although ISO9001:2015 splits out Awareness (Clause 7.3) and Communication (Clause 7.4) it seemed wrong not to cover them together since when you think about it is, is it possible to have awareness without communication? Here's what the new ISO9001:2015 standard looks for in these clauses. ISO9001:2015 Clause 7.3 – Awareness  This section of th...

  6693 Hits
ISO9001 and the Competence Requirement
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 has split out Competency and Awareness which were combined in the 2008 standard, I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing as you can't possibly have any Competency without Awareness (or Communication!) but for simplicity sake we'll take each of the new sections in turn so in this post let's talk about Competency and how ISO9001:20...

  11210 Hits
ISO9001 and Organisational Knowledge
ISO 9001 Quality Management

Clause 7.1.6 of the ISO9001:2015 Standard – Organisational Knowledge is a new section and can be a bit of a challenge for some. It's not uncommon for organisations to have differing views internally about what organisational knowledge is, add in the external auditor's 3rd viewpoint and you can have some very interesting discussions about it. As an ...

  2923 Hits
ISO9001 and The Monitoring and Measuring Resources
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 Section 7.1.5 is all about the how you look after measuring devices, calibration and measurement traceability. It's not a massive change from the previous standard but what does it mean and what do you have to do? Resources Firstly, you need to ensure that you have the resources required to carry out the measurements required by your o...

  5850 Hits
ISO9001 and The Resource Requirements
ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO9001:2015 Section 7, Support, has had a few changes, Clause 7.1 – Resources especially, it goes from only 31 words in the 2008 version of the standard to 2 pages! Resources required around your Quality Management System have always been a bit subjective and varied wildly, now, however, the ISO9001:2015 version of the standard puts some much-need...

  3623 Hits
ISO9001 and Changing Your Quality Management System
ISO 9001 Quality Management

Your Quality Management System must be a living and evolving system which means that over time you will make changes to the system either because of a business change, a new system, new staff or as a result of a management review of a process, it doesn't matter how you come to the decision, but you will want to change things as you go along. After ...

  3432 Hits

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