The Threshold Policy


The Threshold Policy  As a leader you are judged, fairly, or unfairly by your team's performance, that is after all one of your primary responsibilities, ensuring that your team delivers (and of course growing new leaders). Achieving this can bring great success, failing to results may well result in a shorter term at the helm than you planned...

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  3968 Hits

What to Do When Someone Won't Live The Values


You have done all the hard work, you have figured out the purpose of your organisation, you have a vision for the future and are clear about your mission and you have developed your three sets of values (permission to play, core & aspirational) and they are all great values! Since everyone is aware these things and you talk about your values al...

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  3374 Hits

What We Leave Behind


How do you measure success? Is it money? Is it fame or influence is it the ability to do what ever you want or is it something else? I'd like to argue that it is none of these, you may end up with one or all of these things of course, but is that really the way to think about it? When you think about family, friends, you think if the many memories ...

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  2555 Hits

Values by Accident


Organisations talk about their values, they frame them and put them on their walls, but do they really pay much attention to them? Frequent readers of the blog know that I have a passion about organisational culture, it's the one single true advantage your organisation has over any other so having a true set of values that you can build your cultur...

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  2782 Hits

ISO27001 Principle 5 – Set Some Values


When people start out on the journey for ISO27001 sometimes they can forget to stop and really think about the design of their Information Security Management System (ISMS), eventually it catches up with them and it happens. One factor in that design that most seem to gloss over however is the Values that the system is based around and that's what ...

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  2708 Hits

Organisational Inductions - you are doing them wrong

Organisational Inductions - you are doing them wrong

Recently I was talking to a group of people (all from different organisations) about Standard Work. That is when organisations have a method of doing things, just one method, everyone does it the same way so you can get repeatable results. However, the important thing about these standard work routines or practices is that they do have to change ov...

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  1834 Hits

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